Near Fort Madison, Lee County, Iowa
Lee County Conservation Board owns and manages over 2500 acres of land forming a submerged island complex within Pool 19 of the Upper Mississippi River. Construction of a project that reduces wind fetch and turbidity in this area could result in habitat benefits to nearly 300 acres. Much of the benefit would result from improved aquatic vegetation and protection from wind driven waves. The team expects an improvement in habitat quality when construction is complete.
Pre-inundation, the Pool 19 reach was a diverse mix of islands with varying heights, open water, shallow and deep marsh, and a myriad of braided channels, including the main channel. After the 1913 impoundment for Dam 19, the ecological structure and functions of the river habitat diminished over time. The change in sedimentation processes have impacted the pool in various ways, including depleting quality habitat for fish, migrant birds, and other wildlife.
The concerns within the study area include, but are not limited to 1) increased sedimentation, 2) decreased topographic diversity due to long term island erosion, and 3) degradation of aquatic plant diversity due to water quality issues. The area is covered with shallow water but is currently unable to support quality emergent or submerged aquatic vegetation. There are opportunities to improve habitat for invertebrates, fish, waterfowl, and other wildlife species found in the study area using beneficial use of dredged material.
The project received funding in FY22 to complete Federal Interest Determination (FID). The FID was signed in May 2022. The district completed the Tentatively Selected Plan in January, 2024. USACE is finishing up reviews on the feasibility report and is expected to sign a FONSI in second quarter FY 2025.
Additional Information
CA - Continuing Authorities - Section 204
Summarized Project Costs
Estimated Federal Cost
Estimated Non-Federal Cost
Estimated Total Project Cost
Allocations Prior to FY 2024
FY 2024 Allocation
FY 2025 President’s Budget
FY 2025 Total Capability
Major Work Item Current Fiscal Year
FY 2024: The project moved forward with feasibility efforts and completed a draft feasibility report. The report is currently in quality and technical reviews.
Major Work Item Next Fiscal Year
FY 2025: Work will proceed on completion of the Feasibility Study and signing of FONSI. If funded, work will proceed on the development and execution of a Project Partnership Agreement for design and construction.