Rock Island District Public Notices

Wastewater Reclamation Authority’s Eastside Interceptor Sewer Phase 27 Segments 6-8

Published March 22, 2018
Expiration date: 4/27/2018

Public Comment Request

The US Army Corps of Engineers, Rock Island District (District) requests your review of the Environmental Assessment (EA) titled, Wastewater Reclamation Authority’s Eastside Interceptor Sewer Phase 27 Segments 6-8, dated March 2018. The District is interested in your review and comments regarding the alternative analysis for this project.  The District will finalize the EA after you have had a chance to comment.  The District may also use the comments to determine the need for a public hearing and to determine the overall public interest of the proposed activity.

The District must consider granting a real estate easement for those federally-managed lands potentially impacted by this project.  The District also has to consider granting permission for the project to potentially alter a federally-constructed project (the Birdland Levee).  Since there is a commitment of federal funds as well as the other federal actions (granting an easement and issuing Section 408 permission), the federal agencies must inform public officials and citizens before these decisions are made and before actions are taken.

To request a paper copy or CD, contact Mr. Joe Jordan of our Environmental Compliance Branch, 309/794-5791, email:, or by writing to our address:

US Army Engineer District, Rock Island
Corps of Engineers, ATTN: Joe Jordan
Clock Tower Building – PO Box 2004
Rock Island, IL 61204-2004

Please furnish your comments no later than April 26, 2018, to Mr. Jordan of our Environmental Compliance Branch, 309/794-5791, email:, or by writing to our address above.



Project Location

The Metropolitan Wastewater Reclamation Authority (WRA) was created in 1979 to develop a regional wastewater conveyance and treatment system including several political subdivisions located in the Des Moines, Iowa, area.  The alignment for the proposed Eastside Interceptor Project (Project) begins at the existing Westside Pump Station located along Prospect Road just west of the Des Moines River.  The Eastside Interceptor follows an easterly route crossing the Des Moines River and travels along the southern border of Union Park.  It continues east through urban residential and commercial areas until the intersection of Easton Boulevard and E 21st Street.  At this point the route alternates between a southern and easterly alignment through urban residential, commercial and industrial areas until it terminates at the existing Wastewater Reclamation Facility (WRF) at Vandalia Road.

Purpose and Need
The purpose of this Project is to increase capacity in the WRA wastewater conveyance system to effectively and efficiently convey the flow of wastewater for the next 20 years.  The WRA is the Proponent or Requestor for this project.

For the WRA’s improvements to work, a new wastewater pipeline would have to cross the Des Moines River just upstream of the 6th Avenue Bridge.  The adjacent banklines are managed by the District as part of the Saylorville Lake Flood Risk reduction Project.  The District must determine if it should grant an easement to allow the Project to cross federally-managed lands.

The District must also evaluate the project’s possible impacts to the Birdland Levee System.  This levee was originally built by the District using Federal funds.  As part of the District’s evaluation, it must determine if the possible levee alteration would impair the usefulness of the Federal project or be otherwise injurious to the public interest.  The authority to grant permission for temporary or permanent alterations to federally authorized civil works projects is contained in the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899, Section 14, (33 U.S. Code § 408, titled, Taking possession of, use of, or injury to harbor or river improvements).



Proposed Action
The proposed Eastside Interceptor Project (Alternative 5) includes the construction of approximately 28,000 feet of new 66-inch gravity sanitary sewer (Segments 1-5), specifically for this portion of the project, approximately 9,000 feet of new 42-inch force main (Segments 6-7) and improvements to the existing Westside Pump Station (Segment 8).  No buildings or above-ground structures would be demolished as part of this Project.  Various utilities would be relocated as a result.  The pipe would consist of ductile iron with a polyethylene encasement and buried 5 to 18 feet deep.  The force main would leave the existing WRA eastside interceptor and travel east along Prospect Road then turn slightly north and crosses under the Des Moines River continuing east along the river under 6th Ave bridge and off of government property.

Other Alternatives Considered – (Described in detail in the accompanying environmental assessment)
Alternative 1 - No Federal Action
Alternative 2 - Increased Equalization
Alternative 3 - Increased Pumping and Force Main Capacity
Alternative 4 - Increased Pumping and Force Main Capacity with Southside Interceptor
Alternative 5. – New High Flow Pump Station (preferred alternative)
Alternative 5a - Increased Pumping and Force Main Capacity with Eastside Interceptor - aligning the forced main along 6th Ave and Hickman Rd
Alternative 5b - Placement of an Additional 42-inch Utility