Rock Island District Public Notices

Silver Lake Growth, LLC (CEMVR-RD-2023-0682)

Rock Island District
Published June 26, 2023
Expiration date: 7/28/2023

Project Location: The project is located on a 30-acre parcel on the south shore of Silver Lake to the northwest of the intersection of Beachcomber Drive and Highway 9, on both sides of the recreational trail. Section 33, Township 100 North, Range 38 West, Dickinson County, Iowa

Project Description: This project involves developing a 30-acre parcel on the south shore of Silver Lake for either residential and/or commercial use as well as reconstructing a proposed recreational trail along one of the wetlands. Currently, the parcel contains approximately 21 acres of delineated wetlands of which 5.41 acres will be filled during project work. This project includes grading, road paving, trail paving, storm sewer improvements, installation of water and sanitary sewer services, and construction of structures. The intent of this proposed development is to follow the natural ridge that separates the two wetland areas with the proposed roadway. 

This project will impact 5.41 acres of emergent wetlands through fill for construction of residential/commercial lots, a roadway, and a recreational trail. Compensation will be made through
the purchase of wetland credits.

Click the link below to view the full notice.