Rock Island District Public Notices

New Regional General Permit 50 - Fill Material Placed for Ponds up to 10-Acres in Size In the State of Illinois (CEMVR-OD-P-2023-1617)

Rock Island District
Published July 18, 2024
Expiration date: 8/14/2024

Project Location: The regional permit will authorize work associated with the discharge of dredged and/or fill material into all waters of the United States, including wetlands (WOTUS), for ponds up to 10-acres in size under jurisdiction of the Rock Island District and St. Louis District in the State of Illinois.

Project Description:

A. Activities required for the construction of ponds up to 10-acres in size. To qualify for this Regional General Permit (RGP), the activity must not cause the loss of more than 2-acres of WOTUS through filling and inundation. The loss of stream plus any losses of jurisdictional wetlands caused by this activity cannot exceed 2-acres combined, which includes no more than 1,000 linear feet of stream loss. The loss of WOTUS includes loss through filling and grading of streams and/or wetlands, the footprint of the embankment or dam, plus the secondary impact of inundation of streams and/or wetlands in the footprint of the pond. The 1,000-foot stream impact limit also includes combined impacts to other jurisdictional tributaries that are inundated because of the structure.

B. This RGP is generally for recreational uses such as ponds for hunting and fishing activities, however it may be utilized for other purposes. This RGP may not be used to for the construction of storm water or detention basins. This RGP is for individuals or landowners to construct ponds. The pond may be constructed using assistance from another state or Federal Agency. In instances where another federal agency is the lead, they must adhere to Section 7 and Section 106 processes and provide their determination with the application packet.

Click the link below to view the full notice.