Rock Island District Public Notices

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (CEMVR-RD-2024-0037)

USACE Rock Island District
Published Sept. 3, 2024
Expiration date: 10/3/2024

Project Location: All waters of the United States in Iowa within urban areas (inside city limits), within the regulatory boundaries of the Rock Island District. This permit may be used on tribal lands in the state of Iowa, with their approval; however, an individual 401 Water Quality Certification (WQC) must be obtained from the appropriate party, prior to authorization.

Project Description and Purpose: The Corps proposes this new Regional Permit 49 (RP), for urban areas, inside city limits, for the enhancement, restoration, and stabilization of urban streams that provide for an ecological lift to the stream and surrounding area.

A. Proposed Limits

1) Activities required for the enhancement, restoration, and stabilization of urban streams that provide for an ecological lift to the stream and surrounding environment. The project’s primary purpose shall be to restore, improve, and maintain channel stability and resiliency, improve stream and wetland functions and habitat, and a secondary purpose may be to improve public safety, and/or protect existing infrastructure. Compensatory mitigation is not required for activities as they must result in the net increase in aquatic resource functions and services as described in the 6 categories. Verification of restoration success is required for a period of no less than 2 years, including at least one bankfull discharge.

2) There is no linear foot or acreage threshold for this regional general permit provided those activities result in a net increase in aquatic resource functions and services.

3) The following stream restoration techniques may be authorized under this regional permit (anything not on this list must be approved on a case by case basis): minor bank shaping, rock riffles, floodplain reconnection activities, floodplain benches, bankfull benches, bendway weirs, longitudinal peaked stone protection (LPSTP), stone toe and toe rock protection, stream barbs, J-hooks, rock and log cross vanes, rootwads, step-pool complexes, scour pools, fish hides to include LUNKERS boxes, installation of woody vegetation including large woody debris (LWD), live plant staking including bundles and poles, and increasing sinuosity. Blanket riprap is limited to the minimum needed and must include other techniques throughout the project reach that provide for an ecological and functional lift to the environment.

4) The installation of LPSTP should be minimized to less than or equal to 33 percent throughout the project area. Installation of LPSTP greater than 33 percent may be approved on a case-by-case basis as approved by the Corps. The use of blanket riprap, geotextile and flexamat fabrics are authorized to the minimum extent necessary to accomplish stream restoration activities and must be approved by the Corps of Engineers on a case-by-case basis. Rock catch basins are only authorized at outfalls.

5) The following techniques are not authorized under this regional permit: box culverts, gabion baskets, articulating concrete mats, liquid concrete, and pipes.

6) A functional assessment is required in order to verify a project’s ecological lift unless other measures are developed and approved for use by the Rock Island District. The focus of the functional assessment is based on existing conditions versus proposed conditions.

7) The activities described in 2(c) must be a combination of techniques. This permit is not intended to be used for individual actions. For example, this permit may not be used for the installation of bendway weirs only. Other forms of restoration must be present to qualify for this regional general permit.

Click the link below to view the full notice.