CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa - The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the City of Cedar Rapids invites the public to attend an open house for the Cedar River, Cedar Rapids, Iowa Flood Risk Management Project, Nov. 16, at the African American Museum of Iowa, 55 12th Avenue SE, Cedar Rapids. The purpose of the open house is to provide a status update on the East Side Flood Risk Management project and to solicit public input.
Two open houses are schedule for noon – 2 p.m., and 5 – 7 p.m., on Nov. 16. The Corps-City team will present an update of the project's schedule; an overview of the alignment; and preliminary design details for floodwall sections, levee sections, closure structures, and pump stations.
Display areas will be staffed by Corps and City project representatives. Meeting attendees are invited to view the displays and talk with the team one on one.
This invitation has been sent to involved federal and state agencies, city and business representatives, and many members of the public in the Cedar Rapids area.
For technical questions about the project, please contact Tom Heinold, (309) 794-5203, Thomas.D.Heinold@usace.army.mil, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; Kirk Sunderman, (309) 794-5140, Kirk.J.Sunderman@usace.army.mil, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; or David Scanlan, (319) 286-5879, D.Scanlan@cedar-rapids.org, City of Cedar Rapids.
For questions about the upcoming open house, please contact Wendy Frohlich, (309) 794-5573, Wendy.M.Frohlich@usace.army.mil, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.