
Lower Pool 13 Phase II Habitat Rehabilitation and Enhancement Project

Rock Island District


The Lower Pool 13 HREP Phase II is located in Pool 13 of the Upper Mississippi River, between river miles 522.5-529.0. The area consists of sloughs, flowing channels, and impounded water residing over historic flooded islands and remnant islands. The Project area is located in Carroll and Whiteside Counties, Illinois, and Clinton County, Iowa. The closest Mississippi River communities to the Project area are Clinton, Iowa, and Thomson, Illinois. Project lands are federally-owned and managed through a Cooperative Agreement by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service as part of the Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife and Fish Refuge, Savanna District.

The project objective is to restore and enhance the diversity and population of native emergent vegetative communities and native fish communities.

Project Quick Facts

  • State(s) covered: Iowa & Illinois
  • Congressional district(s): Iowa - 2, Illinois - 17
  • Land ownership: Federal
  • Federal Sponsor: U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
  • Management authority: Refuge; Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife and Fish Refuge