Rock Island District Public Notices

Jones County Secondary Roads (CEMVR-RD-2021-1671)

Rock Island District
Published Jan. 7, 2022
Expiration date: 2/5/2022

The applicant proposes to construct a new 454’, 3-span, 15-degree skew BTE beam bridge crossing of Landis Road over the Wapsipinicon (Wapsi) River southeast of Anamosa, Iowa. The new bridge would be approximately 900 feet downstream of the existing bridge. The existing bridge will be abandoned in place. The project also consists of the placement of approach road embankment fill, revetment stone for bank armoring, and shaping of the stream channel banks to transition to the new structure opening. The wetland delineation report identified one 1.6-acre farmed wetland on east side of the Wapsi. The project is expected to permanently impact 1.41 acres of this farmed wetland with grading and fill. An additional 0.10 acres within the right-of-way may be temporarily disturbed during construction, but the ground surface elevations will remain the same such that continued wetland conditions can exist after construction. The applicant is proposing to purchase wetland credits for compensatory mitigation for permanent wetland impacts.