The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Rock Island District is offering timber for sale at Bunker Chute, Iowa. All bids must be received through the mail by Sept. 27, 2022, to be considered for award. Public bid opening will be held at the Mississippi River Project, 25549 182nd St., Pleasant Valley, IA 52767 on Sept. 28, 2022 at 10 a.m. The timber sale area is located in the Bunker Chute management area between River Miles 602 and 603. The 35 acres included in the sale is located in the Southern ½ of Section 23, T91N, R1W, 5th principal meridian, Clayton County, Iowa.
The purpose of this timber harvest is to establish forest regeneration and improve long-term wildlife habitat conditions. The timber harvest design is a modified shelterwood. The intent is for the removal of as much tree material as possible within the harvest area. Only merchantable trees are required to be cut and have the usable logs hauled off site. All cull trees and slash from merchantable trees is available for removal, however, is NOT required to be removed from the harvest site.
Click the link below to view full details for the bid package.
If you have questions concerning this timber sale, contact the Rock Island District's Real Estate office at 309-794-5056.
- Make sure to read the bid package carefully and pay special attention to the specific contract conditions listed.
- Three (3) original copies of pages 1-4 of the bid package must be submitted to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Rock Island District, Real Estate Division, Bldg 340, P.O. Box 2004, Rock Island, IL 61204-2004
- Make sure to put IFB No. DACW25-9-22-4005 and write ‘SEALED BID’ on the outside of your envelope.