The proposed project is located approximately 4 miles west of Ottawa, Illinois on the southeast side of the intersection of 1251st Road and IL Route 71. The project is in LaSalle County, Sections 19, 20, and 29, Township 33 North, Range 3 East. Datum NAD-83. UTM Zone 16. Latitude:41.311859, Longitude: -88.908690.
Project Description and Purpose. The applicant is proposing to expand the existing U.S. Silica surface mining operations to the west. The project area is approximately 300 acres, of which approximately 186 acres will be mined. The primary purpose of the project is to expand mining operations to mine below ground sand reserves on U.S. Silica owned property. Previous authorizations include the U.S. Silica South Ottawa project CEMVR-OD-P-404220-2.
- Wetland Impacts. Twelve wetland sites comprising of 34.1 acres are located within the review area. The construction of the mine will result in 4.64 acres of unavoidable permanent losses to wetlands which includes 0.06 acres forested wetland and 4.55 emergent wetland.
- Stream Impacts. Approximately 250 feet of Brown’s Brook and 40 feet of intermittent Tributary B will be impacted.
- Permit and Action Areas. Since waters of the U.S. (including wetlands and streams), span the length and breadth of the site, the Corps has determined the permit and action areas consist of the entire 300 acres associated with the mine expansion proposal.
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