Project Location: The proposed project is located on the Illinois River approximately 1.2 miles north of Hennepin, Illinois near the intersection of IL Highway 1 and 1150 N Road. On the Illinois River, left descending bank, mile marker 208.8 in Section 4, Township 32 North, Range 2 West, Putnam County.
Project Description and Purpose: This is the second public notice, the project location, amount of clean aggregate fill, amount of material removed, and impacts have changed slightly – moved 300 feet to the south, see exhibits. The applicant is proposing to install a replacement dock and one dolphin along the east bank of the Illinois River. The dock will be approximately 700’ long (wall facing river)with a wing on the south end and a wing going back into the bank on the north end. Approximately 12,210 cubic yards of clean aggregate fill will be placed behind river facing wall. The dolphin will be installed approximately 155’ north of the replacement dock. Mechanical dredging, excavating with a crane and clam shell bucket, will remove approximately 37,000 cubic yards of material which will be trucked to upland area. Roads to the existing dock will remain the same but new gravel or pavement will be placed prior to operation. The project will impact approximately 0.87 acres of forested wetland, trees will be removed on the southern end of the bank where the replacement dock will be located. The purpose of the project is to provide an area to facilitate loading and unloading of dry and liquid commodities on the Illinois River near Hennepin, Illinois.
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