Rock Island District Public Notices

Stream Compensatory Mitigation Bank Proposal (CEMVR-RD-2023-0807)

Rock Island District
Published July 5, 2023
Expiration date: 8/5/2023

Project Location: The proposed site consists of two parcels located within Sections 8/9, Township 79 North, Range 23 West, Polk County, Iowa. See attached location maps. Site A: Latitude 41.665154, Longitude -93.552895. Site B: Latitude 41.671106, Longitude -93.539439.

Bank Objectives: The fundamental objective of compensatory mitigation is to offset environmental losses resulting from unavoidable impacts to waters of the United States (WOTUS) authorized by Department of the Army Permits. Other Objectives include providing economically efficient and flexible mitigation opportunities, supporting the national goal of no-net-loss of WOTUS, enhancing, or creating additional wildlife and aquatic habitat, reducing flooding by restoring stream meanders, oxbows, and creating floodplain benches, and finally, to improve water quality by reducing sediment and nutrient loading.

Project Description/Bank Establishment: This project is the second phase of the overall Trails End Mitigation Bank project. The first phase of the project (Corps Project No. CEMVR-OD-P-20190433) included creation, restoration, and enhancement of emergent and forested wetlands, as well as creation of upland buffer under the same name and which occupies a portion of the site. The bank sponsor proposes to complete activities on 285.62-acres of property owned by the Polk County Conservation Board. Site A is comprised of 257.21-acres and is the location of the Trails End Wetland Mitigation Bank (Phase I). Site B is 28.41-acres and is located to the east of Site A. This project would result in the generation of approximately 180,427 stream compensatory mitigation credits. The stream mitigation work plan will consist of stream restoration along reaches of Fourmile Creek, an unnamed tributary (UNT) of Fourmile Creek, and Muchikinock Creek. Fourmile Creek restoration will include the rehabilitation of two oxbows, the construction of floodplain benches, reshaping creek banks, and the installation of toe wood protection, J-hooks, and in-stream habitat features (rock/log riffles). The restoration of Muchikinock Creek will include reshaping creek banks along with the construction of floodplain benches and the installation of rock/log riffles to create pool/riffle/run complexes. The restoration of the UNT of Fourmile Creek will be based on re-meandering the stream to its estimated former location and dimensions. Stream buffer will be established surrounding each of the streams and will include treatment of invasive or other undesirable species by chemical or mechanical means. The buffer areas will be a minimum of 50feet wide and will be seeded with a native grass seed mix or a wetland and stream buffer mix. A wetland delineation, and additional information on construction techniques, target plant community types, and detailed planting plans will be completed prior to the submission of the draft Mitigation Banking Instrument.

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