Project Location: The proposed project is located at the intersection of U.S. Highway 30 and County Road R18/L Avenue, Boone County, IA in Sections 1 and 2, Township 83 North, Range 27 West, and Sections 35 and 36, Township 84 North, Range 17 West. Latitude 42.034749, Longitude-93.943616.
Project Description:
A. The Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) is proposing to make safety improvements to the existing intersection of US Highway 30 (US 30) and County Road R18/L Avenue (Co. Rd. R18/L Avenue), in Boone County, IA. The project will convert the existing at-grade, four-legged intersection into an at-grade offset-T intersection; work associated with the proposed project will include the following:
• the permanent closure of Co. Rd. R18/L Avenue, north of the existing intersection;
• the construction of a new t-intersection approximately 1,900 feet east of the existing intersection;
• the construction of a new two-lane connector roadway between US 30 and County RoadE41/Old Lincoln Highway (Co. Rd. E41/Old Lincoln Highway);
• the construction of new acceleration and deceleration lanes along US 30 (within existing Iowa DOT right of way).
B. Iowa DOT will own and maintain US 30 and its adjoining right of way. The new segment of Co. Rd. R18/L Avenue, between US 30 and Co. Rd. E41/Old Lincoln Highway will be owned and maintained by Boone County, IA. Iowa DOT will purchase the right of way required for the new segment of Co. Rd. R18/L Avenue in the name of Boone County, IA. An intergovernmental agreement between Iowa DOT and Boone County, IA that details the responsibilities of each party will be executed at a later date.
1) Most work will be completed within existing Iowa DOT right of way. However, the segment of new roadway between US 30 and Co. Rd. E41/Old Lincoln Highway, will cross Corps fee owned land. The Corps fee owned land that would be affected by the proposed project is a component of the Saylorville Lake Project. Iowa DOT is currently negotiating with Rock Island District Real Estate for the purchase of an easement on this parcel.
2) Borrow material for this project will be furnished by the contractor. No dredging will be required.
3) Temporary work surfaces (i.e. crossings, causeways, work pads) may be constructed within waters of the U.S. to facilitate the proposed work. The temporary structure(s) will be constructed according to Iowa DOT Standard Road Plan EW-401.
C. The proposed project will result in the unavoidable permanent impacts to waters of the U.S. totaling 1.7571 acres, of which 0.0008 acre is stream and 1.7563 acres are palustrine emergent wetlands.
D. The proposed US 30 project will result in the permanent discharge of fill material into waters of the U.S. totaling 1.7571 acres, of which 0.0008 acre (17 linear feet) is stream and 1.7563 acre is palustrine emergent wetland.
1) The Iowa DOT will provide compensatory wetland and stream mitigation for the US30 project by purchasing wetland and stream credits from an approved wetland mitigation bank.
2) The Iowa DOT will implement all available measures and BMPs to avoid and minimize impacts to Waters of the U.S.
3) The purpose for the proposed action is to provide a safe intersection at U.S. 30 and County Road R18.
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