Project Location: The proposed project occurs in two phases at two separate locations. The project area associated with the first phase consists of an approximately 4,160-foot section of Catfish Creek, east of Monastery Road and north of Melleray Circle within Section 35, Township 88 North, Range 1 East. The second phase encompasses an approximately 4,320-foot section of Prairie Creek adjacent to the north of Prairie Creek Road and within Section 34, Township 88 North, Range 1 East and Sections 02/03 of Township 87 North, Range 1 East. Both phases are located in Dubuque County, Iowa. See attached location maps. Phase I Latitude 42.393678, Longitude -90.812664. Phase II Latitude 42.378496, Longitude -90.821637.
Bank Objectives: The fundamental objective of compensatory mitigation is to offset environmental losses resulting from unavoidable impacts to waters of the United States (WOTUS) authorized by Department of the Army Permits. Other objectives include the restoration of local beaver populations, increasing flood storage capacity, enhancement and creation of additional wetland and riparian buffer as well as wildlife habitat, improving incised and degraded streams, and to provide stream mitigation credits for project impacts proposed by other entities.
Project Description/Bank Establishment: The bank sponsor proposes to complete the project in two phases on nearby pieces of property in Dubuque County, Iowa. Both phases of the project will entail the construction of Beaver Dam Analogs (BDAs). A BDA is a human-made complex that is designed to mimic the structure and function of a naturally created beaver dam. It is constructed by sandwiching layers of natural materials including large woody debris, silty clay or mud, and smaller brushy vegetation. The BDAs will function as shallow impoundments, change the spatial distribution of water, and increase water retention within each stream reach. Over time, the structure of the streams may change based on sediment deposition patterns. Both phases will also entail establishing and enhancing vegetation communities within the riparian area, this will include planting native tree species, seeding with a flood-prone and/or mesic seed mix, and invasive species removal. The first phase of the project will take place along approximately 4,160-linear feet of Catfish Creek and will include the construction of eight to twelve BDAs. The second phase of the project will occur along 4,320-linear feet of Prairie Creek with the construction of six to nine BDAs. This project would result in the generation of approximately 103,188 stream compensatory mitigation credits. Additional information regarding construction techniques, target plant community types, and planting plans will be completed prior to the submission of the draft Mitigation Banking Instrument.
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