Rock Island District Public Notices

US Army Corps of Engineers & Illinois Department of Natural Resources (CEMVR-RD-2024-0685)

Rock Island District
Published June 20, 2024
Expiration date: 7/20/2024

Project Location: The proposed project is located on the Des Plaines River in Rockdale, Illinois at 1211 Brandon Road. On the Illinois Waterway mile marker 285.5 in Section 20, Township 35 North, Range 10 East, Will County, Datum NAD-1983. UTM Zone 16 N. Latitude: 41.5035704°N Longitude: 88.1033845°W.

Project Description and Purpose: This is the second 404(b)(1) evaluation for the Brandon Road Interbasin Project. The project location, amount of clean aggregate fill, amount of material removed, and impacts have changed slightly. Many land-based features have moved from the north side of the channel to the causeway on the south side of the channel, see exhibits. The applicant is proposing to change to the Project design by relocating the Automated Barge Clearing (ABC) Deterrent downstream of the approach channel, reducing the width and re-locating the Electric Deterrent closer to the lock, changing the locations of the boat ramps, and expanding the upper portion of the causeway to house support facilities using material excavated from the approach channel. A construction pad would be placed at the lower end of the causeway to stage construction of the deterrent support facilities which will be removed when work is completed. Additionally, the Brandon Road Lock’s lower garage and workshop would be replaced with a larger building to serve as the project’s construction office. The project will permanently impact approximately 3 acres of open water, where fill material will be used to expand the causeway and temporarily fill 0.8 acres of open water for a construction pad which will be removed at the end of the project. The purpose of the project is to protect the Great Lakes watershed from the aquatic invasive species dispersal from the Upper Mississippi River basin.

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