Interested parties are hereby notified that an application has been received for a Department of the Army Section 408 permission for certain work at or near a federally-authorized flood risk management project of the United States, as described below and shown on attached figures. Written comments are being solicited from anyone having an interest in the requested alteration. Comments providing substantive information or rationale for the commenter’s position are the most helpful. All comments supporting, opposing, or identifying concerns the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) should consider in its decision process are welcome. Comments will become part of the USACE administrative record and will be considered in determining whether to approve the request.
This Public Notice is not a paid advertisement and is for public information only. Issuance of this notice does not imply USACE endorsement of the project as described.
REQUESTER: In compliance with 33 USC 408 (Section 14 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899; hereinafter Section 408), the Federal Transit Administration (FTA), on behalf of Metrolink, has requested permission to modify the East Moline, IL, Levee, an existing federally authorized flood risk management project situated near The Bend in East Moline, Rock Island County, IL.
LOCATION: The proposed project is located at The Hyatt Place Hotel and The Bend Development, between the 800 and 1000 blocks of Bend Street in East Moline, Rock Island County, IL, on the East Moline, IL, Levee.
LOCATION MAP(S)/DRAWING(S): See Figures 1 and 2.
REQUESTER’S PROPOSED ACTION: The proposed Project would entail construction of a dock with access ramps and pier modifying the East Moline, IL, Levee near The Bend Development. The dock would be 90’ long by 6’ wide, with an aluminum gangway spanning from the fixed landside hinge to a 32-foot by 16-foot floating dock platform, providing access to Channel Cat passenger ferryboat services. The floating dock platform would be anchored on 10 concrete-filled steel pipes anchored in competent rock of river bottom. Additionally, proposed project features include a staging area with signage and benches adjacent to the existing bike trail atop the East Moline, IL, Levee. Departing the landing area riverward, a 125-foot-long by 6-foot-wide reinforced concrete path with guardrail would be constructed from the top of the proposed staging area at the top of the levee down to the top of the proposed gangway to provide American with Disabilities Act (ADA)-compliant accessibility. A sheetpile wall is proposed to provide the required grade changes from the top of the levee down the 100-yr flood elevation at the top of the gangway. Departing the staging area landward, a proposed stair set addition to extending the existing ADA path would provide accessibility to the new ferryboat terminal. Additional surface parking is proposed to serve the dock terminal with concrete paving, sidewalk, and bike rack facilities.
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