Mississippi River recreation areas closed due to flooding

USACE Rock Island District
Published June 25, 2024

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Rock Island District, has closed multiple campgrounds, boat ramps and day use areas along the Mississippi River due to flooding. Additional closures are expected later this week and are anticipated to remain in place through the 4th of July holiday. Reservation cancelations will be communicated by Recreation.gov, as needed.

Impacted recreation areas include Grant River, Pleasant Creek, Thomson Causeway, Cattail Slough, Andalusia Slough, Clark’s Ferry, Shady Creek, Blanchard Island, Kilpeck Landing, Ferry Landing, Fenway Landing, Bear Creek, Canton Chute, and John Hay.

For more information visit: https://www.mvr.usace.army.mil/Missions/Recreation/Mississippi-River-Project/Recreation/Recreation-Area-Status/, contact the USACE Rock Island District at (309) 794-5729, or email cemvr-cc@usace.army.mil.

Corporate Communications

Release no. 24-038