Peterson Lake Habitat Rehabilitation and Enhancement Project
St. Paul District
Pool 4, Upper Mississippi River, Miles 753 - 756, Wabasha County, Minnesota, Congressional District: MN - 2
Peterson Lake has good water quality, water depths, and submerged aquatic plant growth. However, sedimentation was becoming a problem that would result in a significant loss of aquatic habitat. Flows entering the lake created substandard winter habitat conditions for fish because of high velocities and low water temperatures.
Quick Facts
- Approximate Acres: 614
- State(s) Covered: MN
- Land Ownership: Federal
- Management Agency: USFWS
- Management Authority: Refuge
- Construction of closure structures across 10 side channel openings to reduce sediment input to the lake and to reduce current velocities in the upper portion of the lake, extending the lake’s ecological life.
Six islands were stabilized to maintain the habitat values they provide
- Two fish access channels were dredged to connect deepwater areas.
- The Definite Project Report was completed in March 1994.
- Construction was initiated in August 1995 and completed in June 1996.
- The Operation and Maintenance Manual was completed in August 1997.
- Performance monitoring continues.