St. Paul District
Historically, Polander Lake had an abundance of emergent aquatic plants and provided a good staging area for migrating waterfowl. The area of emergent vegetation declined over the years and has been replaced by submerged vegetation. The changes were caused by sedimentation, wave action, and water velocities that increase turbidity, inhibit the growth of rooted aquatic plants, and decrease the lake’s structural diversity.
Quick Facts
- Approximate Acres: 790
- State(s) Covered: MN
- Land Ownership: Federal
- Management Agency: USFWS
- Management Authority: Refuge
- The Definite Project Report was completed in March 1992.
- Stage 1 construction was initiated in August 1994 and completed in November 2000.
- Stage 2 construction was completed in 2003.
- The Operation and Maintenance Manual was completed in October 2005.