Pool 8 Islands, Phase II Habitat Rehabilitation and Enhancement Project
St. Paul District
Pool 8, Upper Mississippi River, Miles 683 - 688, Vernon County, Wisconsin, Congressional District: Wisconsin - 3
Many of the islands in pool 8 have eroded or disappeared. This has increased wind fetch and associated turbidity in the backwater areas, resulting in a loss of valuable aquatic plant beds that migrating canvasback ducks use for food.
Quick Facts
- Approximate Acres: 1268
- State(s) Covered: Wisconsin
- Land Ownership: Federal
- Management Agency: USFWS
- Management Authority: Refuge
- The project consisted of building seven islands with dredged material from the backwater. The islands total 26 acres and about 11,000 feet long to reduce wave action and are protected with riprap and vegetation to prevent erosion.
- Topsoil was obtained by dredging about 15 acres of deepwater fish habitat.
- Two rock sills allow low flow into the area during the winter.
- Six rockfill "seed" islands were also constructed to "grow" islands in pool 8.
- The Definite Project Report was completed in May 1996.
- Construction was initiated in October 1997 and completed in September 1999.
- The Operation and Maintenance Manual was completed in September 2000.