The Coralville Lake Team is dedicated to providing quality outdoor recreation and natural resources. We need your help in making Coralville Lake the best it can be. To become a part of the Coralville Lake Volunteer Team, look over the activities in which you are interested.

Following are some descriptions of some possible volunteer positions at Coralville Lake.     

  • Trail Maintenance
    There are approximately 20 miles of recreation trails around Coralville Lake. Volunteers are welcome to assist in maintaining any of the various trail systems. Whether a single individual or a group looking for a project, trail maintenance can be a rewarding recreational opportunity. Trail maintenance may include but is not limited to: litter pickup, spreading trail base material, drainage maintenance, etc. Contact by emailing or by telephone at (319) 338-3543 ext. 6303.
  • Roadway and Shoreline Cleanup
    Much of Coralville Lake's roadways and shorelines are left with hundreds of pounds of trash from summer recreation enthusiasts. Single individuals and small groups do make a major difference in helping to keep our roadways and shorelines cleaner and more attractive for others visiting our park and lake. This area of volunteering involves minor landscaping and litter removal. Contact by emailing or by telephone at (319) 338-3543 ext. 6303.
  • Natural Resource Volunteer Opportunities
    For more opportunities focused on the natural resources at Coralville Lake, click here.
  • Interpretive Guide (Work Period: May 1 through October 30)
    This volunteer will present a variety of programs which may include tours of the Visitor Center & Dam, guided walks in the Devonian Fossil Gorge, programs involving water safety at the beach area, nature walks, nature type craft programs and other outdoor skills of any kind. Water safety is our main interest and will make up the majority of the programs. This is a chance to use your creativity and have fun outside.  Good communication skills, a friendly attitude  and be able to portray a positive image of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers are necessary. Volunteers must provide their own transportation to and from the Coralville Lake office area and be at least 18 years old. A valid driver's license is necessary to drive a government vehicle to the program site. Even though water safety is our main interest, the volunteer does not need to be any kind of certified life guard or such. There will be no actual water rescue sills required. A uniform will be provided to be worn during programs. Volunteers must be physically capable of performing the job duties. Training will be provided and all safety guidelines will be provided by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Contact by emailing or by telephone at (319) 338-3543 ext. 6303.

If you have any questions or to volunteer, do not hesitate to call or email. The telephone number is (319) 338-3543 ext. 6303 or email

Volunteering Nation-wide

If you are interested in volunteering at other Corps of Engineers parks, please check the Corps' Volunteer Clearinghouse.

Another possible area of volunteering is helping out other agencies. One such agency is the AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps, This program is for individuals 18-24 years old who want to work with sponsors such as the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers around the country.