The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is prepared to provide immediate and effective response and assistance during emergencies and disasters. The preparedness program includes an emergency management organization, planning, training, maintaining adequate supplies, tools and equipment, and inspection program for non-Federal flood control structures.
Type of Assistance Provided by the Corps
- Participation in emergency seminars and exercises when requested by state or local officials.
- Inspection of flood control works constructed or repaired by the Corps of Engineers, and advisement to local officials of needed maintenance.
- Technical assistance for development of plans at the state and local level.
- Upon request, inspection of non-Federal dams and flood control projects.
Criteria for Corps of Engineers Assistance
State and local governments are responsible for emergency preparedness, including training and stock-piling of flood fighting supplies and materials. The role of the Corps of Engineers is to supplement the maximum efforts of the state and local authorities during an emergency.
For more help, contact the Corps of Engineers District Office nearest you.