What is a Master Plan?

A Master Plan (MP) is a recreation, natural resource, and land-use management document. Per Chapter 3 of Engineering Regulation1130-2-550 and Engineering Pamphlet 1130-2-550 Corps policy, it is the "...document that conceptually establishes and guides the orderly development, administration, maintenance, preservation, enhancement, and management of natural, cultural, and recreational resources of a Corps’ water resource project." Despite what the name might suggest, it is not a plan for navigation (locks, dams and associated infrastructure for commercial barge traffic), flood risk management (such as levees in the PL84-99 Program), or water level management which are addressed in other guidance documents.

Additional information on the current approved plans, master planning process, Coralville Lake, or the recreation, environmental stewardship, or shoreline management sections can be found in the Additional Information links below. 

Contact Information

Coralville Lake Project Office
2850 Prairie Du Chien Rd NE
Iowa City, IA 52240-7820

Email: coralville.lake@usace.army.mil

Telephone: (319) 338-3543 ext. 6300
