Rising Mississippi River Requires Extra Caution and Water Safety

Published July 29, 2011

Rock Island, Ill. -- (July 29, 2011) The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Mississippi River Project reminds everyone to be careful around the rising waters of the Mississippi River.  With large rainfall amounts to the north, the Mississippi River is rising quickly and many people who recreate on the River may not be prepared for high water this time of year.  In the Quad City area, the river is forecasted to reach flood stage Friday evening and remain over flood stage throughout the weekend.  Areas below the Quad Cities will also see River levels rise as the crest moves downriver over the next several days.

Greater caution is recommended if you plan to be near or on the Mississippi River during this high-water time.  The water is moving very fast and the current is strong.  There is much debris floating as the water washes large trees and logs from tributary rivers and streams, backwater areas and islands.

As always, if you plan to recreate on or near the river please remember to be safe, wear your life jackets and have all recommended safety equipment in working order on your boat.  As a reminder, the Locks and Dam 15 Auxiliary (recreational craft) lock will be closed this weekend due to high water.  It will re-open when the river level below the dam drops below 13 feet.  For more information call (309) 794-5338.

Release no. 7/29/2011