Public Notice: Antidegradation Alternatives Analysis for Coralville Lake

Published Sept. 29, 2015

Iowa City, IA – Notice is hereby given that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Rock Island District, Coralville Lake has completed a draft antidegradation alternatives analysis for discharge of treated wastewater to the Iowa River. The action being considered is the addition of a discharge pipe to the existing sewage lagoon. The Iowa River is protected for Class A1 primary contact recreational, B(WW-1) warm water, HH human health and C drinking water supply beneficial uses.

 Anyone wishing to comment on the proposed treatment alternative must do so in writing within 30 days of the date shown at the top of this notice. Comments may be submitted to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers by hand delivery or mail to: Environmental Engineering Section, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Clock Tower Building, 1500 Rock Island Avenue, Rock Island, IL 61201. Note that a valid, government issued driver’s license is required for access to the Rock Island Arsenal. Comments may also be submitted by email to

Copies of this notice, the draft antidegradation alternatives analysis and supporting information are on file and available for public inspection from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM, Monday through Friday, at the Coralville Lake Project Office, 2850 Prairie du Chien Road NE, Iowa City, IA 52240-7820. Copies of this information may be requested by contacting the design engineer by telephone at 309-794-5886 or the above email address.

The Corps of Engineers will submit a summary of comments received and the Corps of Engineers’ responses to the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) with the final alternatives analysis subject to IDNR review and approval.

Release no. 15-065