United States
Section 206 of the 1996 Water Resources Development Act, as amended, provides authority for the Secretary to carry out an aquatic ecosystem restoration and protection project. Such projects will usually include manipulation of the hydrology in and along bodies of water, including wetlands and riparian areas. A project is adopted for construction only after a detailed investigation determines that the project will improve the quality of the environment and is in the best interest of the public, and clearly shows the engineering feasibility and economic justification of the improvement. Each project is limited to a federal cost share of not more than $10 million. The Federal limitation includes all project-related costs for feasibility studies, planning, engineering, construction and supervision and administration.
The initial study is 100% federally funded up to $100,000. All planning costs after the first $100,000 are cost shared 50/50. Design and construction costs are cost shared 65% Federal and 35% non-Federal. The sponsor cost share can be a contribution of cash, lands, easements, rights-of-way, relocations, disposal areas (LERRDs), or work-in-kind. Work-in-kind may be provided subsequent to the execution of the Project Partnership Agreement (PPA), and the value may not exceed 80% of the non-Federal share.
Formal assurance of local cooperation in the form of a Project Partnership Agreement (PPA) must be executed with the local sponsoring agency. The sponsoring agency normally agrees to the following:
- Provide without cost to the United States all LERRDs necessary for the construction and subsequent maintenance of the project.
- Provide without cost to the United States all necessary alterations of buildings, utilities, highways, bridges, sewers, and related and special facilities.
- Hold and save the United States free from damages due to the construction and subsequent maintenance of the project, except damages due to the fault or negligence of the United States or its contractors. Maintain and operate the project after completion without cost to the United States.
- Prevent future encroachment, which might interfere with proper functioning of the project.
- Assume responsibility for all costs in excess of the Federal cost limitation of $10 million.
- Provide guidance and leadership in preventing unwise future development of the floodplain by use of appropriate floodplain management techniques to reduce flood losses.
- If the value of the sponsor's contribution above does not equal or exceed 35 percent of the project cost, provide cash contribution to make the sponsor's total contribution equal to 35 percent.
Potential new starts under this program include:
- City of Davenport, Iowa, Credit Island Slough
- Severson Dells Nature Center, Rockford, Illinois
Additional Information
CA - Continuing Authorities - Section 206
Summarized Project Costs
Estimated Federal Cost
Estimated Non-Federal Cost
Estimated Total Project Cost
Allocations Prior to FY 2024
FY 2024 Allocation
FY 2025 President’s Budget
FY 2025 Total Capability
Major Work Item Current Fiscal Year
FY 2024: No project specific work completed this year. Coordinated with communities to identify potential new projects for consideration.
Major Work Item Next Fiscal Year
FY 2025: If funded, work could begin on the highest priority project to complete a Federal Interest Determination. Coordinate with communities to identify potential new projects for consideration.