Shoreline Management on Mississippi River

Rock Island District
Published Aug. 30, 2024
Permitted Dock within Limited Development Area 
in Pool 13, Thomson, Illinois

Permitted Dock within Limited Development Area in Pool 13, Thomson, Illinois


Mississippi River Pools 11-22


In 1989, the Shoreline Management Plan (SMP) was developed and implemented as guidance for the management, protection, and preservation of the Mississippi River's environment, while allowing a balanced use of the shoreline. It is the policy concerning private exclusive use of Corps of Engineers owned property from Guttenburg, Iowa, to Saverton, Missouri. Private exclusive use involves placing private recreational structures or pursuing certain activities along Corps shorelines that are limited to the individual and are usually not available to the public. The SMP discusses conditions and restrictions of such private exclusive use.

There are currently 325 Shoreline Use Permits and/or Special Use Licenses under management for shoreline and river access related private structures. This plan does not apply to the Corps administered cottage sites, residential leases, commercial marina, or navigation activities.

The SMP allocates the Corps-owned shoreline, Pools 11-22, into four classifications where private recreational structures/activities will either be prohibited or allowed. These shoreline classifications are incorporated into the Rock Island Districts' Land Use Allocation Plan (LUAP) for the Mississippi River Project. Shoreline Use Classifications include:

  1. Limited Development Area (LDA) - The only classification where new permit/licenses may be issued to authorize private exclusive use.
  2. Public Recreational Area - Shorelines managed by a governmental entity, commercial concessionaire, or non-profit organization. Private structures are prohibited within these areas.
  3. Prohibited Access Area - Shoreline areas allocated for the protection of the public's safety or security of government installations. Generally located around locks, dams, spillways, or government storage areas. Private structures are prohibited within these areas.
  4. Protected Shoreline Area - Shoreline areas designated to maintain or restore aesthetic, fish and wildlife, cultural or other environmental values. These areas also may be designated to protect unstable shorelines from erosion or to prevent development in areas that are subject to excessive erosion. No private exclusive use is allowed except for those authorized at the time of implementation of the SMP in 1989.

The Real Estate office issues licenses for land-based structures such as stairs and sheds and the Mississippi River Project issues permits for water-based items such as docks. 

Shoreline Management includes direct management of permitted private use under Shoreline Management packages.  It also includes associated activities to address unauthorized private use in the form of trespass and encroachment as well as boundary monitoring/surveying packages for prudent land management.  Impacts to cultural sites is a potential of private use of Federal lands but budget packages for cultural requirements are mostly excluded from this fact sheet except for significant specific work packages.


SI - Special Interest

Summarized Project Costs

Estimated Federal Cost


Estimated Non-Federal Cost


Estimated Total Project Cost


Allocations Prior to FY 2024


FY 2024 Allocation


FY 2025 President’s Budget


FY 2025 Total Capability










Major Work Item Current Year

FY 2024:  The Corps continued documenting, researching, and addressing encroachments and trespass in select areas of pools 11-22. This includes addressing seven longstanding living space encroachments.  Some of these have or may involve congressional inquiry. Examples include living spaces of houses, covered porches, patios, and other structures built on federal property.  The general policy of the U.S. Army and Corps of Engineers is to require removal of encroachments, restoration of the premises, and collection of appropriate administrative costs and fair market value for the term of the unauthorized use.  Exceptions to removal are granted only in very specific circumstances as the lands were acquired for Project purposes; permitting private use from an encroachment action is contrary to public use of these lands and protection of resources in the public trust; and permitting encroachments to remain or disposing of land may cause future encroachers to perceive standing for similar allowances. Design work was completed on a supplemental $110,000 work package developing plans specifications for shoreline protection at the Turtle Road National Historic Register eligible cultural site in Pool 13 this year.

The Corps completed compliance inspections on all Shoreline Management permits and licenses in preparation for FY2024 renewal. The renewal date for all permits and licenses was set to April 1, 2024.  This effort to streamline renewal dates allowed for more efficient inspections prior to renewal.  The Corps is sending compliance letters to Shoreline Permit holders as needed to ensure structures meet conditions, Title 36 citation authority regulations, and are safe for the public as a follow up to the completed inspections.  The Project renewed Shoreline Management permit and licenses allowing these structures and uses for a five-year period starting April 1, 2024.  This includes reviewing site inspections and completing follow-up to ensure safety, maintenance, and compliance issues are addressed prior to renewal.

Major Work Item Next Fiscal Year

FY 2025:  The Corps will continue documenting, researching, and addressing encroachments and trespass in select areas of pools 11-22. This includes addressing the remainder of seven longstanding living space encroachments. The Project will continue to work applications for new structures and docks in a timely fashion as well as change of owners as they come up.  Project staff will continue to monitor several archeological sites for looting and erosion.  Removal of abandoned property if responsible parties are unreachable and non-responsive. Inspections in limited development areas to ensure no non-authorized docks, walkways, structures, or any other violations/encroachments have occurred.