UMRR Program - Steamboat Island HREP - Pool 14

Rock Island District
Published Oct. 1, 2021
Steamboat Island HREP - Pool 14, Upper Mississippi River Miles 502.5 to 506.5, Scott County, Iowa.

Steamboat Island HREP - Pool 14, Upper Mississippi River Miles 502.5 to 506.5, Scott County, Iowa.


Pool 14, Upper Mississippi River Miles 502.5 to 508.0, Clinton and Scott Counties, Iowa and Rock Island County Illinois.


The Steamboat Island Project (Project) is located in the middle section of Pool 14 along the right descending bank of the Upper Mississippi River (UMR), between the town of Princeton, Iowa, and the Wapsipinicon River. The Project lands, part of the Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife and Fish Refuge are federally-owned.

The Project area is approximately 2,620-acres of interconnected backwaters, secondary channels, wetlands, islands, floodplain habitat and aquatic habitat. Areas considered as part of this Project include Steamboat Island, Steamboat Slough, an adjacent secondary channel complex, smaller islands southeast of Steamboat Island and the forested areas south and north of the Wapsipinicon River. The Princeton State Wildlife Area is just west of the Project area.

The goals are to maintain, enhance and restore quality habitat for desirable native plant, animal and fish species and maintain, enhance, restore and emulate natural river processes, structures and functions for a resilient and sustainable ecosystem. The objectives identified to meet these goals are (1) enhance and restore areal coverage and diversity of forest stands and habitat and increase diversity of bottomland hardwoods forest, as measured in forested acres suitable to support hard-mast species and structure, age, and species composition; (2) increase year around aquatic habitat diversity, as measured by acres and limnophilic native fish use of overwintering habitat, as this habitat is the most limiting of seasonal habitats; (3) restore acreage and topography of islands and protect from erosion within the Project area, as measured by acres; and (4) protect existing backwater habitat from sedimentation and enhance backwater and interior wetland areas, as measured by acres of backwater and survivability of scrub-shrub/pollinator habitat.

Potential Project Features include:

  • Excavate channels in backwater areas
  • Topographic diversity measures
  • Implement Timber Stand Improvement techniques
  • Restore and protect islands
  • Construct bank protection and incorporate mussel substrate, where appropriate


Human activity within the UMR basin, floodplain and channel has altered the hydrology, topography and biotic communities present. Years of silt deposition has allowed willows and silver maples to colonize the once-aquatic portions of the Project area, resulting in degraded aquatic and wetland complexes. Impoundment of the pool and permanently higher water tables have affected the health of floodplain habitat on islands and adjacent floodplain areas. These higher water tables are affecting forest composition and regeneration. All of these alterations have reduced the quality and diversity of aquatic and floodplain habitats, impaired ecosystem functions and reduced the acreage of Steamboat Island and other smaller islands in the area.


The final feasibility report was approved in February 2021. Plans and Specifications for Stage 1 will be complete in October 2021.

Additional Information


CG - Construction General

Summarized Project Costs

Estimated Federal Cost

$ 41,977,000

Estimated Non-Federal Cost

$ 0

Estimated Total Project Cost

$ 41,977,000

Allocations Prior to FY 2022

$ 2,334,365

FY 2021 Allocation

$ 400,000

FY 2022 Allocation


FY 2022 President’s Budget

$ 325,000

FY 2022 Total Capability

$ 4,225,000


Major Work Item Prior Fiscal Year

FY 2021: Funds were used to initiate and continue Plans & Specifications.

Major Work Item Current Year

FY 2022: Funding will be used to initiate Stage 2 Plans & Specifications.