Media Training Home

Who Needs Media Training

The Training

  • Working with the Media
  • 6 Media Principles
  • 10 Tips to Remember
  • Correcting Errors
  • Media Query Policy
  • Handling a Call
  • Questions You Ask
  • Interview Ground Rules
  • Using Quotes and Bites
  • Avoiding a Disaster
  • Handling Tough Questions
  • Verbal Communication
  • It's Your Attitude
  • Body Language
  • Dress and Appearance
  • Media Opportunities
  • Put the Castle Forward
  • Parting Tips


BEFORE the Interview

Before you participate in an interview for newspaper or television there are a few things you should know to help you prepare for and conduct a newsworthy interview.
Don't be shy, consider asking the reporter the following questions:

  1. What is your name?

  2. What media outlet are you representing?

  3. What is the focus of your story?

  4. Who else is being interviewed?

  5. Are you already well-acquainted with this topic? (This will let you know how basic your responses need to be).

  6. Have you visited our District Web site? (This is especially important if your project has a Web presence as the reporter may want to review it before completing the story).

  7. Would you like me to fax/e-mail you some background information? (If you don't provide it to him prior to the interview and it is available).

  8. What is your deadline?

  9. May I call you back in an hour? (30 minutes? 10 minutes?... This gives you time to prepare for the interview.)

  10. What is your phone number/e-mail address?   

AFTER the Interview

  1. Did you get everything you needed?

  2. When will the story air/be published?

    Please provide the Corporate Communications Office with information about the interview and when it will air/be published.  This will allow us to track this media contact and help us find District News articles. Email us or call 309-794-5274.