ROCK ISLAND, Ill. - The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Rock Island District, will host an open house to discuss and gather public input regarding a critical restoration project within the Ten Mile Creek Watershed near Peoria, Illinois. The open house is scheduled for June 18 from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Germantown Hills Fire Protection District, 313 Prairie Avenue, Germantown Hills, Illinois.
The critical restoration project is part of the Illinois River Basin Restoration Program (Section 519), a multi-agency program lead by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Rock Island District, and the Illinois Department of Natural Resources. Through this program, the Rock Island District and the IDNR partner to address loss of habitat and degradation throughout the Illinois River Basin which has been documented for years.
Ten Mile Creek is approximately 10 miles long and flows northwest from Washington Township to the Narrows of Peoria Lake at the Illinois River. The creek drains 11,027 acres in Worth and Springbay Townships of Woodford County, and Washington and Fondulac Townships in Tazewell County. Most of the Ten Mile Creek Watershed is unincorporated; however, 136 acres are within the Village of Germantown Hills and 415 acres within the City of Washington.
The Illinois DNR (non-Federal sponsor) initiated watershed planning, through a local agency, to identify ecological resource concerns in the Ten Mile Creek watershed in 2001. As a result, a Watershed Restoration Plan completed in 2004 identified a number of ecosystem problems present in the watershed. At this time, the Corps and IDNR have begun the planning process to identify possible opportunities for ecosystem restoration for the Ten Mile Creek Watershed.
The public is invited to attend the informational open house concerning this study and provide comments on problems in the area and suggested alternatives. Those who attend can gain a better understanding of what an Ecosystem Restoration project could accomplish, discuss the information collected to date, and speak with staff from the Corps of Engineers.
For more information about the Ten Mile Watershed and the informational open house, please call Marshall Plumley at (309) 794-5447.
Release no. 15-039