Saylorville Lake Ice Warning

Published Jan. 6, 2016

Saylorville Lake Ice Warning


Johnston Iowa - The majority of lakes and rivers within Iowa have seen unusually high water for this time of year. Saylorville Lake peaked at nearly 30 feet above normal on December 22 and has been falling about a foot per day since.  


With cold winter temperatures closing in, ice will be forming on the lake. As the pool continues to fall, ice shelves and extremely slippery shorelines exist. If an ice shelf formed, there is nothing supporting the ice underneath. Use extreme caution along the shoreline and do not go out onto the ice.


Ice on lakes and rivers is always questionable because the moving water weakens the ice below the surface.  The ice may look like it can support you, but it rarely forms uniformly; it could be one foot thick where you stand and only a couple inches thick a few feet away. All ice is currently unstable and dangerous so please stay off the ice to keep you and your pets safe. For current lake level information and forecasts, access  Saylorville Lake is in the Rock Island District, Des Moines River Basin.


All Saylorville Lake recreation areas, with the exception of Bob Shetler are currently closed. The sledding hill at Cherry Glen will open when the boat ramp parking lot is no longer under water. Visitors may receive current information regarding the status of all recreation areas by calling the lake information number at 515-276-0433 or by tuning into 1610 kHz AM.


For More Information on Saylorville Lake

(515) 276-4656.

Phillip Rustad
(515) 276-4656

Release no. 16-003