Archive: 2017
  • July

    Veterans Honored During Memorial Day Ceremony at Coralville Lake

    In communities across the country people gather on Memorial Day to honor those who died while serving in the U.S. military. For the past 28 years the staff from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Rock Island District, along with representatives from several Johnson County, Iowa, veterans’ organizations, have been coming together on Memorial Day to honor living veterans who nearly lost their lives.
  • May

    District Employees Participate in 2-Day Flood Fight Training Event

    With the snow melted and the spring rains filling up the rivers, 40 District employees attended a workshop to discuss proven flood fighting techniques and teach the newest team members.
  • District Wins USACE Excellence in Contracting Award

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Rock Island District’s contracting Division was awarded top honors by the USACE Excellence in Contracting Awards Program for fiscal year 2016. The District competed against seven other Districts throughout the country and earned the District/Center of the Year Award for outstanding efforts in meeting contracting milestones and metrics requirements.
  • Mississippi River Lock & Dam 17 Dewatered Enabling Maintenance, Inspections

    Lock and Dam 17, in New Boston, Illinois, closed this winter to undergo a dewatering as part of several maintenance projects performed at District locks from December to March.