
Submit Comments

The public is invited to submit comments regarding the alternative analysis and proposed alternative for this project through Nov. 11, 2023.

To request a paper copy or CD, contact the District’s Environmental Compliance Branch at 309-794-6104, email, or write to:

Department of the Army
US Army Corps of Engineers, Rock Island District
Attn: Bales (PD-P)
Clock Tower Building
P. O. Box 2004
Rock Island, IL 61204-2004

Green Island Habitat Rehabilitation and Enhancement Project

Rock Island District


Pool 13, Upper Mississippi River Miles 548.5 and 546.0, Jackson County, Iowa. Congressional district: Iowa - 1


  • Iowa Department of Natural Resources
  • U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service


The Green Island Project area is a 4,000-acre wetland complex that includes shallow lakes, emergent vegetation and managed moist soil areas, and braided channels surrounded by degrading riparian timber. The project boundaries lie within the Green Island Wildlife Management Area which is managed by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources. 


The existing forest is degrading at an alarming rate with numerous stressed and dying trees. The ox-bow lakes have lost much of their depth due to sedimentation and provide little fish refuge in the summer and winter. The pump system is old, inefficient and expensive to operate. The old drainage ditches are sediment filled to the point that a drawdown cannot be completed to regenerate high quality moist soil or emergent and aquatic vegetation. Elevated water tables on the Mississippi River proper are also adversely affecting floodplain forest composition and regeneration.

Public Open House Presentation

Green Island Habitat Rehabilitation and Enhancement ProjectGreen Island Habitat Rehabilitation and Enhancement Project Area

Project Goals: 

The goals are to maintain, enhance and restore quality habitat for all native and desirable plant, animal and fish species and maintain, enhance, restore and emulate a natural river process, structures and function for sustainable ecosystem. The objectives identified to these goals are (1) Restore the historic hydraulic cycle considering current infrastructure; (2) Improve sediment management across the Green Island study area, reduce sedimentation impacts on existing habitat, and reduce the loss of water storage capacity due to sedimentation; (3) Restore Green Island aquatic ecosystems for fish and other aquatic organisms by increasing the quality and quantity of aquatic habitat available; (4) Restore the quality, and diversity of vegetation within the Green Island study area, including emergent, submerged aquatic, and forest vegetation; and (5) Restore bathymetric and topographic diversity within the Green Island study area.

Potential Project Features could include:

  • A pump station for water level management
  • Excavate channels to pump station
  • Excavate channels for overwintering
  • Water level control structures
  • Island creation
  • Implement Timber Stand Improvement techniques