Rock Island District
The Huron Island Habitat Rehabilitation and Enhancement Project is located approximately 20 miles upstream of Burlington, Iowa and approximately 12 river miles downstream from where the Iowa River enters the Mississippi River. All project lands are in Federal ownership.
Quick Facts
- Acreage:
- Congressional District(s):
- State(s) Covered: Iowa
- Land Ownership: Federal
- Management Agency: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
- Management Authority: Cooperative Agreement
- The Fact Sheet was approved in April 2006.
- The Definite Project Report was completed in November 2013.
- Construction Contracts:
- Huron Island Stage I Construction Contract was awarded in July 2014. Scope of work includes dredging/excavating Goose Lake Access Channel, Pool 1 and Pool 2; constructing small island bank stabilization, and constructing a closure structure in Garner Chute. Work will provide topographic diversity and aquatic habitat.
- Huron Island Stage II Construction contract was awarded in August 2016. Scope of work includes tree clearing and grubbing; excavation, placing, and shaping excavated materials; riprap; construction of anchored logs and locked logs; and surveying. It is scheduled to be completed by the end of March 2020.
- Huron Island Stage III Construction Contract will continue with the aquatic plant re-establishment.