To provide more detailed scientific guidance on UMRR Long Term Resource Monitoring (LTRM) element implementation, another interagency committee called the Analysis Team, or “A-Team,” was formed. The A-Team serves as an advisory body to the Upper Mississippi River Restoration Coordinating Committee (UMRR CC), but also communicates directly with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the U.S. Geological Survey on routine LTRM technical questions. This team provides science and technical advice and recommendations on the LTRM element's work priorities, annual work plans, and research activities. Official members represent several scientific disciplines such as biologists and other technical staff the federal and state member agencies, appointed from each major agency. The chair of the A-Team rotates among the team's official state agency members on a two-year basis. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the U.S. Geological Survey also participate in A-Team meetings as the recipients of the A-Team's guidance and, therefore, are not official members of this advisory team.
Provide a forum for the UMRR partner agencies and other interested parties to discuss technical issues related to LTRM implementation.
Identify and communicate the official member agencies' perspectives on LTRM technical issues to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Geological Survey, and UMRR CC.
Advise the UMRR CC regarding the technical implications of policy, programmatic, and budget decisions affecting the LTRM element.
Seek to establish a consensus among the member agencies on priorities for LTRM components, projects, activities, and studies. Provide guidance regarding how the LTRM element can best further those priorities.
Promote the timely and effective reporting of LTRM results and information to partner agencies, interested stakeholders, and the general public.