
UMRR Coordinating Committee (UMRR CC)

To provide interagency coordination, the Corps of Engineers established the Upper Mississippi River Restoration (Environmental Management Program) Coordinating Committee (UMRR CC) in 1987 to ensure the congressionally directed consultation with state and federal partners.  The UMRR CC is the primary consultative body used to discuss and seek consensus on UMRR budgetary, policy, and implementation issues.  Representatives from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service serve as UMRR CC co-chairs.  Membership consists of representatives from the U.S. Geological Survey, each of the five state resource agencies, and a variety of federal agencies that have an interest in UMRR, even though they have no specific implementation responsibilities.


     Federal      State

Major Roles

  • Provide a forum for the UMRR partner agencies and other interested parties to discuss policy, programmatic, and budgetary issues related to program implementation.

  • Identify and communicate the official member agencies’ perspectives on UMRR policy, programmatic, and budgetary issues to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and other implementing agencies.

  • Seek to establish a consensus among the member agencies on major questions related to program priorities and direction.

  • Provide oversight regarding fiscal performance, project implementation, product quality, and other key measures of program performance.

  • Provide guidance regarding the implementation of specific UMRR projects and studies when asked to do so by a member agency or other interested party.

  • Foster coordination between the UMRR and other state and federal agency programs.

Role of the Upper Mississippi River Basin Association

The UMRR authorizing legislation designates the Upper Mississippi River Basin Association (UMRBA) as the "caretaker" of the Master Plan.  This legislation also authorizes the Corps to enter into cooperative agreements with the Upper Mississippi River Basin Association to promote and facilitate active State government participation in the river system management, development, and protection.  The Corps contracts with the UMRBA to assist with all UMRR CC meetings.