
Forestry Links


Forestry Managment

The US Army Corps of Engineers manages approximately 54,000 acres of forestland on the 314-mile reach of the Mississippi River within the Rock Island District. This stretches from Guttenburg, Iowa (Lock and Dam 10) to Saverton, Missouri (Lock and Dam 22).

Since 1981, management of this land has been in partnership with the US Fish and Wildlife Service (Upper Mississippi and Mark Twain National Wildlife Refuges), Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Iowa Department of Natural Resources, Missouri Department of Conservation, and Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. The Corps of Engineers foresters meet annually with these cooperating agencies to develop and agree on work plans, habitat needs, special emphasis, and future direction. The program has been extremely successful in meeting the specified program mission and objectives and and is a recognized leader in bottomland forest management. It has drawn wide spread support from all agencies involved as well as from others involved in management of the Mississippi River.