Rock Island District
Illinois Waterway and Upper Mississippi River
The Dredged Material Management Program (DMMP) plays a crucial role in maintaining navigability of the Illinois Waterway and Mississippi River 9-Foot Navigation Channel. The Program takes a comprehensive approach to dredged material management by identifying and evaluating dredged material placement site(s) to accommodate the Corps’ dredging needs, integrating Engineering With Nature®, Regional Sediment Management, and beneficial use concepts. Planning efforts continue as sites along the Mississippi River and Illinois Waterway reach capacity. The Dredged Material Management Program ensures navigation vessels can safely transport commodities to ports within the United States and beyond.
The Rock Island District has been developing plans and acquiring and implementing sites for the long-term placement of channel maintenance dredged material since the completion of GREAT II (Great River Environmental Action Team) studies in 1980. Dredged Material Management Plans use a six-step planning process, and Federal Standard evaluation criteria: dredging cost and operational feasibility; environmental acceptability - natural, aesthetic, cultural resources; beneficial use of dredged material, and social impacts.
DMMP activities typically require coordination with the following agencies:
- U.S. Coast Guard Eighth District - New Orleans, Louisiana
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region V - Chicago, Illinois
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region VII - Kansas City, Missouri
- U.S. Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service - Rock Island, Illinois
- Illinois Environmental Protection Agency - Springfield, Illinois
- Illinois Department of Natural Resources - Springfield, Illinois
- Iowa Department of Natural Resources - Des Moines, Iowa
- Missouri Department of Natural Resources - Jefferson City, Missouri
- Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources - La Crosse, Wisconsin
The Rock Island District prepares and implements Dredged Material Management Plans for the Mississippi and Illinois Waterway 9-Foot Navigation Channel. The district also purchases and constructs dredged material placement sites to provide capacity for operation and maintenance dredging.
The program ensures that all practicable and reasonable alternatives for the placement of dredged material are fully considered on an equal basis. This includes the placement of dredged material in the least costly manner, operationally feasible, and with sound engineering and environmental requirements. Additionally, the District continues to pursue beneficial use opportunities with partners and stakeholders.
Additional Information
Operations and maintenance of the 9-Foot Navigation Channel Project authorized by the Rivers and Harbors Acts of 1930, in accordance with the Clean Water Act, Section 404 (33 CFR Parts 335-338).
Summarized Project Costs
Estimated Federal Cost
Estimated Non-Federal Cost
Estimated Total Project Cost
Allocations Prior to FY 2024
FY 2024 Allocation
FY 2025 President’s Budget
FY 2025 Total Capability
Major Work Item Current Year
FY 2024: The project moved forward with updates to the Mississippi River Preliminary Assessment, continuation of the Illinois Waterway Dredged Material Management Plan, integrating WRDA 2020, Section 125, Beneficial use of dredged material, Cassville and Elk River Environmental assessments, and Burlington Iowa regulating structure assessment in Pool 19, and several Beneficial Use Decision Document Reports.
Major Work Item Next Fiscal Year
FY 2025: If funded, the program will proceed with completion of the Mississippi River Preliminary Assessment, Illinois Waterway DMMP report, Pool 19 regulating structure design package, Cassville Environmental Assessment, Elk River Environmental Assessment, and several Beneficial Use Decision Document Integration reports.