Farm Creek, Illinois

Rock Island District
Published Aug. 30, 2024
Farm Creek Reservoir

Farm Creek Reservoir


Farm Creek, Tazewell County, Illinois


The project includes two dry reservoirs (Farmdale and Fondulac).  Located on tributary streams to the Illinois Waterway across from Peoria, Illinois, the project provides flood control for East Peoria, Illinois. Regional economic impacts are $1,655,000 from an estimated 80,408 visits.


Flood protection is accomplished by two detention reservoirs, Farmdale and Fondulac, and by channel improvements in the lower reaches of Farm Creek, Cole Creek and Kerfoot Creek. The reservoirs are normally empty.  Dry weather flows in the creeks pass through the outlet conduits. Temporary water storage in the reservoirs only occurs when the flow in the feeder streams exceeds the outlet capacity.  Continued operation, routine maintenance, debris removal, continued management of cultural resource materials, and non-routine maintenance for these flood control reservoirs protect urban area with housing, retail, restaurants, industrial, commercial transportation, city government and lodging facilities.

Project is in operation.

Additional Information

OM - Operations and Maintenance
Flood Control Act of 1944

Summarized Project Costs:

Estimated Federal Cost


Estimated Non-Federal Cost


Estimated Total Project Cost


Allocations Prior to FY 2024


FY 2024 Allocation


FY 2025 President's Budget


FY 2025 Total Capability



Major Work Current Year:

FY 2024: Funds were used for continuing routine maintenance of the two reservoirs, Farmdale and Fondulac including debris removal, mowing the dams, maintaining fire roads within the reservoir area and small repairs to flood control structures and related infrastructure. Completed during this year were boundary inspection and marking, resolved real estate encroachments, and continued minimal annual stewardship activities to protect the health, sustainability and integrity of the public lands associated with the project, to include removal of nuisance trees and invasive vegetation on project lands.  Work continued to excess some small, disconnected parcels of public property.  Working with local partners and volunteers, multiple use trails were maintained. 

Major Work Next Fiscal Year

FY2025: Funds are to be used for routine maintenance of two reservoirs, Farmdale and Fondulac.  Work to include boundary inspection and marking along with resolution of real estate encroachments.  Basic minimal environmental stewardship activities will continue to prevent deterioration of the health, sustainability and integrity of the public lands associated with the project, to include removal of nuisance trees and invasive vegetation on project lands.

Projects planned include the required ten-year periodic assessment on both dams.  If funding is received, will also design and install automated piezometers on both dams to monitor water seepage through and below the dam during high water events.  Additional funding was requested to repair and update concrete on the primary spillway discharge culvert and emergency spillway crest structure.