Small Boat Harbors

Rock Island District
Published Aug. 30, 2024
Andalusia Small Boat Harbor

Andalusia Small Boat Harbor


Mississippi and Illinois Rivers


All small boat harbor projects have a local sponsor, usually a municipality. Assurances between the Corps and local sponsor provide for the Corps to maintain adequate access ways to the harbors, while the local sponsor provides adequate areas and retaining structures for dredged material placement. Maintenance dredging of small boat harbors is usually accomplished by the local sponsor through a contract. USACE staff periodically provide technical support to local sponsors to assist them in developing their dredging contracts. Harbors have historically been dredged every two to five years if funding is available. Based on project priority and prior funding received.


The River and Harbor Acts of 1946, 1948, 1950, 1960, and 1962, authorized the modification of the Mississippi River 9-foot Navigation Project, between the mouth of the Missouri River and Minneapolis, to provide for the construction and maintenance of several small boat harbors and for the maintenance of one existing small boat harbor (Quincy Bay). Two are on the Illinois Waterway and ten are on the Mississippi River. The projects were constructed for shallow draft recreational vessels, and projects depths range from five feet to nine feet at flat pool. Twelve Small Boat Harbors in Rock Island’s area of responsibility remain fully authorized and are in operation. Until recently, Federal funding for dredging small boat harbors was absent since 2010.


Dredging of the Davenport Small Boat Harbor was completed in FY24. The following harbors also received appropriated funding in FY24: Andalusia Harbor $750,000, Moline Harbor $1,500,000, Quincy Bay $2,000,000, Rock Island Harbor $1,000,000, Quincy Harbor $1,500,000 and Fort Madison Harbor $1,500,000. Dredging is tracking to begin in late summer at Rock Island Boat Harbor. Dredging efforts and planning are currently being coordinated with the other sponsors and will occur in FY25.

Additional Information

SI - Special Interest

River and Harbor Act of 1962

Summarized Project Costs:

Estimated Federal Cost


Estimated Non-Federal Cost


Estimated Total Project Cost


Allocations Prior to FY 2024


FY 2024 Allocation


FY 2025 President’s Budget


FY 2025 Total Capability



Major Work Item Current Year

FY 2024: Dredging was completed for the Davenport Small Boat Harbor. On track to start Rock Island Small Boat Harbor dredging this fall. Moline Small Boat Harbor plan started in FY24 and may carry into FY25 dependent on permits and weather. Continue to plan and coordinate efforts with Andalusia, Fort Madison and Quincy for dredging to occur in the Spring and/or Fall of FY 25.

Major Work Item Next Fiscal Year

FY 2025: Continue moving forward with planning and execution of dredging the harbors that received funding in FY24.