Starved Rock Eagle Watch Weekend Scheduled for Jan. 25-26

USACE Rock Island
Published Jan. 22, 2025
A man eagle watches from the deck at the Illinois Waterway Visitor Center in Utica, Illinois.

A man eagle watches from the deck at the Illinois Waterway Visitor Center in Utica, Illinois.

Bald eagle sitting in tree

Bald eagle sitting in tree

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Rock Island District, in partnership with the Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Starved Rock State Park, LaSalle County Tourism, Heritage Corridor Destinations, Starved Rock Lodge and Village of North Utica are hosting Eagle Watch Weekend, Saturday, January 25 and Sunday, January 26.

Attendees will enjoy live bird programs and activities at the:

  • Illinois Waterway Visitor Center - 950 N 27th Rd, Ottawa, IL. 61350
  • Starved Rock Lodge - One Lodge Ln, Oglesby, IL. 61348
  • Utica Village Hall - 248 West Canal Street, Utica, IL. 61373
  • Starved Rock State Park Visitor Center - 2678 E 873rd Rd, Oglesby, IL. 61348

In addition to “Bird of Prey” shows both Saturday and Sunday at each of the four sites, the family-friendly weekend will offer children’s activities at three sites. All events are free and open to the public. Activities and programs have limited space, and no advanced registration will be available.

New for 2025, live bird of prey programs will take place each day at the four event locations. Starved Rock Lodge and Utica Village Hall will host live bird of prey programs at 10 a.m., 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. The Illinois Waterway Visitor Center and Starved Rock State Park Visitor Center will offer live bird of prey programs at 10:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. each day, with an additional show at 3:30 p.m. Saturday at the Illinois Waterway Visitor Center.

These 45-minute sessions led by trained bird handlers from the Illinois Raptor Center, Stillman Nature Center, Hoo Haven, and Wildlife Prairie Park will allow participants to take photos and learn about these amazing raptors.

Childrens activities will be offered throughout the weekend. The Utica Village Hall will host a Children’s Bald Eagle Craft Time at 11 a.m. on both Saturday and Sunday. Starved Rock State Park Visitor Center has invited Sadie the Starved Rock Eagle Mascot to the Children’s Craft and Story Time Saturday at noon. Sadie will also be at the State Park Visitor Center on Sunday at noon for photos. Children attending the Owl Pellet Dissection at the Illinois Waterway Visitor Center at 3:30 p.m. on Sunday will learn, hands-on, what kinds of prey become food for owls. Space is limited for all programs.

As in the past, a variety of educational and photographic exhibits will be on display in the Great Hall of Starved Rock Lodge from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. both days. Throughout the weekend, Starved Rock Audubon Society members will have viewing scopes at the Illinois Waterway Visitor Center and be available to answer all eagle questions.

Shuttle service will be available both days to all four locations departing from Starved Rock Lodge from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wristbands (for unlimited daily rides) will be $5 each per day.

Learn more about the guest speakers and activities at:

For more information on the Starved Rock Eagle Watch Weekend contact the Illinois Waterway Visitor Center at 815-667-4054.

USACE Rock Island District

Release no. 25-002