ROCK ISLAND, Ill. – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and The Nature Conservancy invite the public to attend an open house for the Environmental Management Program’s Emiquon East Habitat Rehabilitation and Enhancement Project on April 16 between 5 and 7 p.m. at the Dickson Mounds State Museum, 10956 N Dickson Mounds Rd, Lewistown, Ill.
The purpose of this open house is to discuss and gather comments from the public on the draft report findings and the project’s four main objectives. Those are: 1) re-establish the hydrologic and ecological structure and function of a backwater aquatic wetland on the Illinois River; 2) provide high quality food and habitat for migrating waterfowl; 3) re-establish hydrologic and biochemical connectivity to the Illinois River; and 4) provide educational opportunities for visitors.
Everyone is invited to participate in the open house. Representatives from the Corps of Engineers and Nature Conservancy will be available to explain the draft report results, answer questions and listen to comments on the proposed project features.
This invitation has been sent to involved federal and state agencies, city and business representatives and many members of the public in Fulton and Mason Counties. Anyone aware of those who may not have seen the notice should spread the word and encourage attendance.
Logistical questions about the open house may be directed to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers representative at 309-794-5648.
The report is available on the District’s website, Once there, hover over the “About” tab and select District Projects. On the next screen, type “Emiquon” in the Search box. On the next screen, select UMRR-EMP - IL, IA, MO, MN, WI - Emiquon Complex Habitat Rehabilitation & Enhancement Project, LaGrange Pool. On the next screen, go to the “Additional Info” tab and select “Reports”. Select the Emiquon East Draft Main Report to view.
Release no. 14-022