FREE Boating Safety Classes

Published Feb. 25, 2015
Rock Island, IL - The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Mississippi River Project announces they will be offering five different opportunities to attend a free boating safety education class.  The classes will be held on the following dates: March 14th, March 28th, April 11th, April 25th, and May 2nd. Each class will run from 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. and only one 8 hour class is required to complete your certification. This class is recommended for people who are new to boating on the Mississippi River, families that enjoy weekend boating adventures, or seasoned boaters who would just like to brush up on their safe boating knowledge. Anyone over the age of 12 can be certified.  This is a classroom based safety course and will not include any on-the-water experience. Upon successful completion of the class and exam, participants will be issued an Illinois DNR Boat Safety Certification which is honored in both Iowa and Illinois. These classes will be held at the Mississippi River Project Office at Locks and Dam 14 in Pleasant Valley, Iowa. Pre-registration is required, space is limited, and the classes fill quickly.   To register, contact the park rangers at (309) 794-5338.
Mike McKean

Release no. 15-015