Sustainable Rivers Links

SRP Project Phases

The SRP process is a continuum of distinct phases for each project site.








The Sustainable Rivers Program (SRP) is a nation-wide partnership with The Nature Conservancy. The partnership works collaboratively among stakeholders and scientists to determine the environmental flow requirements for rivers to restore critical ecological function and habitat for aquatic-dependent species. Dams and reservoirs offer opportunities to influence the timing and magnitude of river flows to meet the needs of both human and natural communities. Efforts are focused on implementing environmental water management at Corps dams without compromising primary purposes, such as flood control. SRP Projects within the Rock Island District include Saylorville and Red Rock dams on the Des Moines River, Coralville dam on the Iowa River, and the Farm Creek dry reservoir in Illinois.
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Des Moines River - Incorporate Phase

Located along the Des Moines River in Iowa, the Saylorville dam is located directly upstream from the city of Des Moines, and Lake Red Rock dam is approximately 50 miles downstream. The Corps dams provide flood risk reduction as well as recreation, water supply, drought management, and fish and wildlife management.

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Iowa River - Advance Phase

Located along the Iowa River, the Coralville dam is located upstream from Iowa City. Coralville dam provides primary benefits in flood control and low flow augmentation, and secondary benefits in recreation, fish and wildlife management, and forest management. 

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Farm Creek - Advance & Incorporate Phase

The Farm Creek Project is located on tributary streams to the Illinois Waterway upstream of Peoria, Illinois. Farmdale is a dry flood control reservoir, only storing waters when the flow in the feeder streams exceeds the outlet capacity.