Cedar River, Cedar Rapids, Iowa -- Flood Risk Management

Rock Island District
Published Oct. 30, 2023
Downtown Cedar Rapids, Iowa, on June 13, 2008 during flood crest.

Downtown Cedar Rapids, Iowa, on June 13, 2008 during flood crest.

Cedar Rapids Flood Risk Management Project - 16th Ave. Closure

Cedar Rapids Flood Risk Management Project - 16th Ave. Closure


Cedar River, Cedar Rapids, Iowa


In June 2008, the City of Cedar Rapids (City), Iowa, was devastated by a flood of record proportions. More than 1,300 city blocks of the City were flooded. The floodwaters covered 10 square miles and caused an estimated $2.4 billion in damages.

On April 5, 2006, Congress authorized a feasibility study. The Feasibility Cost Share Agreement was signed on May 30, 2008. The damaged property inventory for this Feasibility Study counted 7,846 properties damaged by the flood. This included 6,865 residential properties, 754 commercial/industrial properties and 227 public properties. The damaged public properties included the City Water Pollution Control Facility, police station, potable water wells, wastewater collection system, City Hall, Linn County Correctional Center, and Linn County Courthouse, along with many other critical infrastructure elements.

The Feasibility Report presented several alternatives as Flood Risk Management strategies of which one was recommended as the National Economic Development (NED) Plan - Alternative 4-C. Alternative 4-C provides protection along the east bank of the Cedar River. It includes earthen levees, floodwalls, and closure structures for a total length of 3.15 miles. This alternative has a benefit to cost ratio (BCR) of 1.2. The City of Cedar Rapids endorsed the implementation of Alternative 4-C as part of a comprehensive FRM plan for protecting both riverbanks.

The Chief's Report was signed on January 27th, 2011 and transmitted to OMB and Congress.

A Design Agreement (DA) was executed on December 21, 2010 beginning pre-construction engineering and design (PED).

The project was authorized for construction in the Water Resources Reform and Development Act (WRRDA) of 2014.

The project was appropriated funding for construction in the Bi-Partisan Budget Act of 2018 (PL 115-123), also known as Long-term Disaster Recovery Supplemental Funding.  

The Water Resources Development Act of 2022 included language authorizing a modified feasibility report to evaluate federal interest in all areas covered by City’s Master Plan.


The city of Cedar Rapids and the USACE Rock Island District executed a Design Agreement Amendment to allow the provision of accelerated non-federal funding to further the PED phase. The City sent the USACE their entire proportionate share of estimated PED costs ($3.1M cash). The City and USACE have executed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) outlining work that City may design and construct as Work-In-Kind which is permitted in the DA.


Project was authorized for construction in the Water Resources Reform and Development Act (WRRDA) of 2014. The project received construction funding on Aug. 1, 2018.  This funding is to be used to complete design and construct the entirety of the east side flood protection system. 

From 2018 to present, the team advanced design on all elements of the flood risk management system. The first federal construction contract was awarded October 2019 and completed November 2020. Several construction contracts are in active construction status.  

Additional Information

Summarized Project Costs

Estimated Federal Cost

$ 199,154,150

Estimated Non-Federal Cost

$ 107,236,850

Estimated Total Project Cost

$ 306,391,000

Allocations Prior to FY 2023

$ 63,153,668

FY 2023 Allocation

$ 35,758,107

FY 2024 Allocation TBD
FY 2024 President's Budget $ 0

FY 2024 Total Capability


1FY 2024 Total Capability is $0 because the project is fully funded.

Major Work Item Prior Fiscal Year

FY 2023: Completed construction of two flood risk management project features. Advanced design of remaining flood risk management project features in coordination with the local sponsor and multiple landowners and stakeholders. Advanced construction on channel widening, earthen levee, and road closure projects. Progressed in execution of real estate transactions throughout the east side flood protection footprint. This includes land acquisitions as well as utility relocations and other actions to clear real estate interests.

Major Work Item Current Year

FY 2024: Multiple active construction projects will be completed. Design of remaining features will be completed. Advance execution of real estate transactions throughout the remainder of east side flood protection footprint, including land acquisitions, utility relocations, and other actions to clear real estate interests. Three federal construction projects are scheduled for award.