Saylorville Lake, Iowa

Rock Island District
Published Aug. 30, 2024
A view of Saylorville Lake

A view of Saylorville Lake


Saylorville Lake, Johnston, Iowa


Saylorville Lake Project including the Big Creek Remedial Works is a multi-purpose project providing primary benefits in flood control and secondary benefits in low-flow augmentation, recreation, environmental stewardship, and water supply. Storage volume at full flood pool is 626,465-acre feet. The main dam is located about 8 miles northwest of Des Moines, Iowa, on the Des Moines River and became operational in 1977.


The project includes: Saylorville Dam with Control Tower, Pneumatic Crest Gate Spillway with discharge channel and the Big Creek Remedial Works which includes Barrier Dam with Pump Station, Diversion Dam with Control Tower, Diversion Channel and Terminal Dam/Spillway. Cumulative damages prevented since project became operational is $495,058,000 (2023 $). The project includes 25,515 acres of fee title lands and there are 30 recreation area sites. FY23 recreation fee receipt revenue was $1,019,366. Regional FY23 economic impact was $54,525,000 from an estimated 1,997,715 visitors.


Project is in operation.

Additional Information


Flood Control Act of 1958

Summarized Project Costs:

Estimated Federal Cost


Estimated Non-Federal Cost


Estimated Total Project Cost


Allocations Prior to FY2024


FY 2024 Allocation 1


FY 2025 President’s Budget


FY 2025 Total Capability


1 FY 2024 Allocation includes $4.5M in BIL Supplemental Funds.

Major Work Item Prior Fiscal Year

FY 2022 BIL Projects:

  • Shoreline protection- Completed FY23
  • Admin and maintenance facility building- Contract awarded FY23; Construction began in FY24

FY 2023 BIL Projects:

  • Main Control Tower Rehabilitation- Contract awarded FY23; construction began in FY24
  • Barrier Dam Control Tower Sluice Gate Repair- Completed FY23

Major Work Item Current Fiscal Year

FY 2024: Funds were used for operation and maintenance of five flood control structures and related infrastructure; dam safety programs and activities; water supply contract administration and compliance; operation and maintenance of recreation areas and related infrastructure. These funds supported management of the recreation program and provide a quality level of service to the public visiting recreation areas. Funds were used for environmental stewardship activities to protect the health, sustainability and integrity of the public lands associated with the project; and partnering with USFWS and other stakeholders for the Urban Wildlife Refuge downstream of the dam. Additional funds were used to complete work on the following non-routine items: Boundary line survey, maintenance & signage to prevent encroachments; modernize recreation infrastructure, and continuation of waterline and sewer modernization at Prairie Flower and Cherry Glen Campgrounds.

FY 2024 BIL Projects:  Walnut Ridge Recreation Area Sewer Infrastructure.

Major Work Item Next Fiscal Year

FY 2025: Funds will be used for operation and maintenance of five flood control structures and related infrastructure; dam safety programs and activities; water supply contract administration and compliance; operation and maintenance of recreation areas and related infrastructure.  These funds support management of the recreation program and provide a quality level of service to the public visiting recreation areas. Funds are also being used for environmental stewardship activities to protect the health, sustainability and integrity of the public lands associated with the project; and partnering with USFWS and other stakeholders for the Urban Wildlife Refuge downstream of the dam.  Additional funds will be used to complete work on the following non-routine items: boundary line survey, maintenance & signage to prevent encroachments; modernize recreation infrastructure and continuation of waterline and sewer modernization in parks.

Additional funding could also be used for electrical modernization in many recreation areas, road repairs in multiple areas on the project, campsite modernization in multiple campgrounds, roof replacements, environmental stewardship activities and other infrastructure projects.