The applicant proposes to stabilize the bank of Red Haw Lake by placing rock armoring along the shoreline at four locations for a total distance of 3,680 linear feet; Site 1 = 760 linear feet, Site 2 = 660 linear feet, Site 3 = 760 linear feet, and Site 4 = 1,500 linear feet. Most of the riprap is new and will be placed along the shoreline on a 2:1 slope. The riprap will be 2 feet thick and 5 feet high, with 3 feet below pool elevation and 2 feet above pool elevation. No bank reshaping is required as the shoreline is already at a 2:1 slope. All disturbed areas will be seeded, mulched, and fertilized. The replacement of a deteriorated water control structure is also proposed at the inlet to Red Haw Lake, which is located at the southeastern end of the Lake. The applicant has stated there are no impacts on existing wetlands, no borrow areas, stockpile and staging will occur in existing gravel parking lots, there will be no tree clearing, and existing trees will be preserved and worked around with small equipment. The purpose of this project is to stabilize the shoreline of Red Haw Lake and replace the deteriorating water control structure.