The purpose of the project is barge mooring and fleeting. The proposed work consists of placing 9 concrete block anchors on land, 300 feet apart, along the length of the barge fleeting area, with cables attached to the blocks for the barges to tie up to. The barge fleeting area will be 2500 feet long and 140 feet wide along the west side of Chillicothe Island, but outside of the navigation channel, from mile marker 180 to mile marker 180.7. The maximum number of barges to be moored at any given time is 32. The barges would be arranged in various configurations but would not be more than 4 barges wide and would not impede the navigation channel. No dredging or fill is required to complete this requested activity. The concrete anchors would be buried along the left descending riverbank with an excavator. Anchor chains will attach to the concrete anchors and run down towards the river, connecting to a shock absorbing system that connects to a steel cable extending out to a floating buoy. Any areas disturbed will be restored after work is completed.
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