The applicant is proposing to fill approximately 3,346 linear feet of intermittent stream and approximately .01 acre of emergent wetland located directly to the east of the current landfill. The unnamed tributary will be rerouted into another north-south drainage feature located immediately west of the existing landfill. Clinton Landfill Inc. proposes to move forward with construction of the remaining landfill cells at the facility. This will be done by clearing and excavating the eastern cells. Material used during the construction of the landfill expansion will include erosion control materials (i.e. silt fence, control blanket, filter strips, wattles, etc.), construction equipment (i.e. trenchers, excavators, etc.) and haul vehicles. Monitoring wells will be installed in accordance with requirements and designs approved by the IL EPA. A total of three stormwater detention/sediment capture basins are associated with the landfill cell development. The primary purpose of the project is to provide for the solid waste disposal needs of DeWitt County and surrounding areas. It is anticipated that the currently operated waste disposal unit will reach its usable solid waste disposal capacity sometime in 2022.