The applicant is proposing to expand the existing Eco Hill Landfill. The expansion area contains 3,103 linear feet of jurisdictional perennial tributary and 1.14 acres of jurisdictional emergent wetlands. The existing previously impounded 3,103 linear of the perennial tributaries and the adjacent 1.14 acres of jurisdictional wetland will be impacted through a combination of dredge and fill activities. The required over-excavation will occur during cell development activities and will terminate at designated subgrade elevations or at a greater depth if soil conditions require further subgrade enhancement. A 4-foot thick, or greater if required by soil conditions, composite liner will be constructed for landfill cells. This liner will consist of a 3- foot compacted clay liner, a 60-mil high-density polyethylene geomembrane liner, a leachate drainage layer, and a geotextile filter liner. The existing perennial surface water inflow into the impounded tributary (coming from under I80) will be rerouted through a new channel along the north side of I80 (south side of the proposed expansion), and into an approximate 12.3-acre stormwater basin located along the eastern boundary of the expansion. Flow out of the basin would discharge into the existing stream channel that currently outflows from the impounded stream.